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Annual Scientific Conference 2024


IMAM is a non-governmental organisation based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. In IMAM, we regularly update ourselves with the latest health information in Malaysia to be shared among the nation, through scientific conferences and press releases.

Health and Medical Education

Dedicated to enhancing the skills and knowledge of medical and health personnel, we provide Continuing Medical Education (CME) programs to ensure ongoing professional development and competency. Through the International FIMA Lifesavers initiative, we train and empower individuals to respond effectively to medical emergencies, saving lives and improving community health outcomes.

  • International FIMA (Federation of Islamic Medical Association) Lifesavers
  • Continuing Medical Education (CME) for Medical & Health Personnel
  • Annual Scientific Conference (ASC)
IMAM Executive Committee 2022-2024IMAM Executive Committee Detailed


IMARET (IMAM Response & Relief Team) is Islamic Medical Association of Malaysia's (IMAM) Relief Team or better known as IMAM Medical & Humanitarian Relief Association. IMARET is a relief chapter under IMAM focusing on medical and humanitarian relief work.

IMARET was founded in 2014 with the aim to respond to any natural or man-made disasters taking place in Malaysia and internationally. As a medical relief NGO, IMARET focuses on providing medical care and health related humanitarian aid. With a pool of more than 1000 volunteers, IMARET has been actively involved in local flood relief, refugee health programs, and mobile clinics for the underprivileged.

IMARET also manages two (2) static primary health clinics in Malaysia and Turkey for Rohingya refugees.

As for now, IMARET has more than 4000 volunteers consisting of various medical professionals and non-medical volunteers. Since 2014, IMARET has benefited over 120,000 beneficiaries.


To provide medical relief & humanitarian aid to communities affected by natural disasters and man-made catastrophes for the marginalized communities.


To become a credible, progressive team while maintaining the highest standard of professionalism in serving the community.

IMARET Core Projects

IMARET Flood Relief

Since 2014, IMARET has been actively involved in providing flood relief in Malaysia. Our projects delivered includes food aid, hygiene kits, medical aid and hygiene awareness programs. In 2022, IMARET has collaborated with other agencies to deliver aid to more than 20,000 flood victims.

IMARET4Orang Asli

IMARET provides health care services to the Orang Asli community. This project is implemented to provide accessibility to the Ministry of Health's mobile dental services to the Orang Asli community. The frequency of visits and programs depends on the demand from the Orang Asli community and the availability of our volunteers.

Services provided include: 1) Outpatient medical care, oral health screening and health talks, 2) Supplementary feeding programs for children, 3) Community service and health education programs.


IMARET manages two (2) static primary health care centers for refugees in Malaysia. The Rohingya Integrated School Clinic (RISC) in Klang Valley. The program aims to fully integrate with a community-based approach to provide Primary/Secondary/Tertiary care programs.


Project with community of island fishermen "Sea Friends" in Sabah to provide preventive health care and education to the fishermen community. IMARET collaborates with Persatuan Nelayan Kudat and the Ministry of Health to provide health services for the Bajau Laut communities in East Malaysia.


IMARET has been actively involved in providing aid affected by the massive earthquake at the region in Turkey (February 2023). The campaign is to support healthcare and psychosocial needs for the victims of earthquake affected in the temporary shelters.

IMARET SafeWhere Initiative

SafeWhere is a program that provides clean water via filtration system with the capacity to clean 10,000 liters of water per day. The program has been built for the purpose of the earthquake-stricken area in Turkiye in 2023. It assists in providing clean filtered water to areas in Turkiye affected by the earthquake. The system has been installed for the community in Hatay, Turkiye and will continue to provide access to clean water.

IMARET Emergency Relief Fund

IMARET Emergency Relief Fund is used as a preparedness fund for IMARET to respond quickly and immediately to any disaster relief efforts locally or internationally such as Palestine to those affected.
